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The Holocaust Educational Trust's Lessons from Auschwitz Project (LFA Project) is now open for applications.

This educational and commemorative project offers post-16 students the opportunity to learn about the Holocaust and consider its relevance for today. Through the bespoke interactive online platform, two online seminars and a one-day visit to Poland, participants join others from across the country as they embark on an educational journey in which they:

  • Learn about the history of the Holocaust and the role of camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • Consider the individuals whose lives were affected by the Holocaust
  • Reflect on the relevance of the Holocaust today and share their learning with others

The Holocaust was the murder of 6 million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazis and their collaborators – it was an episode which changed the shape of Europe, and the world, forever. During the Project, participants:

  • Explore this challenging history by taking part in interactive, online seminars, led by experts in the history of the Holocaust
  • Hear directly from Holocaust survivors, who share their personal experiences, including an online, live survivor testimony and Q&A
  • Experience the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum through a one-day visit to Poland

Students end the course by completing their Next Steps, an opportunity for them to share what they have learnt and experienced with their school and wider community.

Lessons from Auschwitz brings together a rich hub of learning materials – including historical texts, eye-witness testimony, and archival materials, including photographs and film.

Lessons from Auschwitz offers students across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the opportunity to develop their historical understanding of the Holocaust and apply that learning to contemporary issues. Through participation in Lessons from Auschwitz, students enhance their skills and show leadership - demonstrating commitment outside of the classroom through sharing the legacy of this dark period in history. Upon successful completion of the project, all participants receive an ASDAN accredited certificate, and can share their involvement on UCAS and other applications.

As a part of our work, the Holocaust Educational Trust and the Lessons from Auschwitz Project subscribe to the guidance laid out in the UN Children's Rights Convention (UNCRC) through the Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment(CRWIA). With support from the Scottish Government, we have undertaken our own Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment which is available here.

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Funding for the Project is provided by the Department for Education in England, the Department of Education in Northern Ireland, and by the Scottish and Welsh Governments.

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