Holocaust Educational Trust Blog

A space for featured guest bloggers and members of the Holocaust Educational Trust team to comment and reflect on timely issues.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2016: You may think you are remembering...



Ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day tomorrow, columnist and radio presenter Emma Barnett blogs on the duty that we all have to remember the Holocaust.

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Rudi Oppenheimer: Why I want you to tune in on Holocaust Memorial Day


At 10am on Wednesday 27th January, Rudi Oppenheimer will be sharing his testimony through a live webcast. In this blog, he explains why he wants you to tune in. 

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2016: Nicholas Winton, Our Hero


In our latest Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 blog, Richard Ferrer, Editor of the Jewish News, writes on the moment Britain first found out about the heroic actions of Sir Nicholas Winton.

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2016: Rescuers


Regional Ambassador Amelia Ireland has been considering the role of rescuers in our latest Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 blog.

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2016: 71, Just as Relevant as 70


In our latest guest blog, Regional Ambassador Lewis Wright asks for the 71st anniversary of the end of the Holocaust to be marked on the same scale as the 70th anniversary was last year.

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2016: The Riegner Telegram


In today's Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 blog, Karen Pollock MBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, remembers a chance meeting with Gerhart Riegner.

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2016: Remembering Eleanor Rathbone


In the second of our guest blogs for Holocaust Memorial Day 2016, Dr Susan Cohen from 'Remembering Eleanor Rathbone' writes about Rathbone's campaign for the British government to do more the help refugees from Nazi persecution. 

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2016: John Dobai


In the first of our guest blogs to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2016, Holocaust survivor John Dobai writes of how he and his family were saved by Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.

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The Nuremberg Trial: 70 Years On


Today marks 70 years since the opening day of the Nuremberg Trial where senior Nazis figures were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Our Education Officer, Martin Winstone, has blogged on the trial's importance and legacy.

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'Hannah' by Gemma Grier


In September 2014, Gemma Grier joined us on our Glasgow Lessons from Auschwitz course. Gemma reflected on her visit through writing and this piece saw her win Scottish Schools' Young Writer of the Year 2015.

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